Such hypocrites. Talk about Christian Republicans while shutting down a challenge to your support of a homosexual and abortion agenda
April 5, 2013 at 9:28 pm
And that LGBT post is about as weak a rationalization as one can find. Christians are called to promote governance as God designed. The Lord did not establish government to promote men putting their penis in another man under the guise as a “right”. How silly. Thank God we did not leave slavery up to the slavemaster and slave… Of course, the Dems would have been perfectly fine with that. Sheez
david forrester
April 7, 2013 at 3:33 am
Compare how much time Jesus spent in the Gospels, talking and preaching about homosexuals and abortion, with His time spent on addressing the issues of how we are to treat the poor and “the least of these.” Virtually all of the religious right folks that I’ve encountered want to talk about homosexuality and abortion from an “attack” mode. And far too high a percentage of those calling themselves Christians, demonstrate a serious lack of concern for the issues that Jesus focused the most on. As Christians, we must spend more time seeking exactly what our Savior and Lord Jesus championed most. This is the only way we can strive to be more like Him. For so many decades a certain sect of the Church has focused almost exclusively on the “Hot Button Issues” : Homosexuality, abortion, and guns. As disciples of Jesus Christ, why don’t we spend the bulk of our time on those issues that Jesus spent the most of His time? God bless!
Pastor Dave
Such hypocrites. Talk about Christian Republicans while shutting down a challenge to your support of a homosexual and abortion agenda
And that LGBT post is about as weak a rationalization as one can find. Christians are called to promote governance as God designed. The Lord did not establish government to promote men putting their penis in another man under the guise as a “right”. How silly. Thank God we did not leave slavery up to the slavemaster and slave… Of course, the Dems would have been perfectly fine with that. Sheez
Compare how much time Jesus spent in the Gospels, talking and preaching about homosexuals and abortion, with His time spent on addressing the issues of how we are to treat the poor and “the least of these.” Virtually all of the religious right folks that I’ve encountered want to talk about homosexuality and abortion from an “attack” mode. And far too high a percentage of those calling themselves Christians, demonstrate a serious lack of concern for the issues that Jesus focused the most on. As Christians, we must spend more time seeking exactly what our Savior and Lord Jesus championed most. This is the only way we can strive to be more like Him. For so many decades a certain sect of the Church has focused almost exclusively on the “Hot Button Issues” : Homosexuality, abortion, and guns. As disciples of Jesus Christ, why don’t we spend the bulk of our time on those issues that Jesus spent the most of His time? God bless!
Pastor Dave