The President is right when he says that one “manufactured crisis” after another is doing no good for the economy, for faith in our economy, the job market…for anyone. There are some spending cuts that need to happen and can be compromised on – however, the Republicans cannot continue to hold hostage the entire economy for corporations and wealthiest to keep their loopholes – we need smart revenue and smart cuts, and smart additional spending! We need more investment in our future, our job market, education, transportation…and the LAST thing we need are cuts that will harm the most vulnerable populations and middle class.
We are praying for common sense and the right kind of compromise!
WASHINGTON (AP) — Staking out his ground ahead of a fiscal deadline, President Barack Obama lashed out against Republicans, saying they are unwilling to raise taxes to reduce deficits and warning that the jobs of essential government workers, from teachers to emergency responders, are on the line.
Obama spoke as a March 1 deadline for automatic across-the-board spending cuts approached and with Republicans and Democrats in an apparent stalemate over how to avoid them.
Obama cautioned that if the $85 billion in immediate cuts – known as the sequester – occur, the full range of government would feel the effects. Among those he listed: furloughed FBI agents, reductions in spending for communities to pay police and fire personnel and teachers, and decreased ability to respond to threats around the world.
Read the full story here.