Christmas comes at a time of great turmoil this season, but maybe it has also come at just the right time – with the right messages and spirit we all need. So here is our #CDACountdowntoChristmas series – these various posts have been or will be shared on Facebook and Twitter, so please share. So many need it this year. 
Christmas message to our community from Christina Forrester, Founder / Director of Christian Democrats of America


Day 5…

We need to remember the hope, the promises and comfort this season brings!

Here is a Bible commentary from on Mary’s Song of Praise to God: “Loyal love is the hymn’s basic theme, and God’s treatment of Mary is but one example. His divine loyalty requires his action on behalf of the beloved. Those who stand in opposition will face God’s power and authority to bring down. So God will deal with the proud. His arm will be raised against them (Deut 4:34; Ps 44:3; 89:13; 118:15). The promise of God’s judgment here recalls the exodus, when God exercised his power in total judgment (Ex 6:1, 6; Deut 3:24; 7:19). Whatever earthly authority exists, it is nothing before the mighty, decisive exercise of divine authority. He has brought down rulers (Ps 68:1; 89:10) but has lifted up the humble (1 Sam 2:7; Ps 147:6). He has filled the hungry with good things (1 Sam 2:5; Ps 107:9; 146:7) but has sent the rich away empty (1 Sam 2:5; Job 15:29; Jer 17:11). Here is God working on behalf of the pious downtrodden, a group the Old Testament called the ‘anauim (Ps 9:11-12, 17-20; 10:1-4; 12:1-5; 18:25-29).”


Day 4…

This is perhaps more relevant this year than any
time since its initial release:


“And so this is Christmas
For weak and for strong
For rich and the poor ones
The world is so wrong
And so happy Christmas
For black and for white
For yellow and red ones
Let’s stop all the fight
A very Merry Christmas
                        And a happy New Year
Let’s hope it’s a good one
Without any fear.”
We do hope and we do pray!


Day 3…

The incoming administration will do well to remember this…

“Truly, I say to you, as you did
not do it to one of the least of
these, you did not do it to me.”


Jesus was born into an oppressive society with extreme political turmoil into a
humble family. Joseph and Mary were not one of the 1%.
One common theme: God exalted the humble and made low the proud.
Click here to read: Tale of Jesus’ Birth Provides Look at Social
Climate of the Times : History: Scholars say Mary and Joseph
lived in an oppressive society in which they were heavily taxed.


Day 2…

“No more lives torn apart, that wars will
never start, and time will heal all hearts.”


He still brings good news, and perfect love casts out all fear.



Day 1…Merry Christmas!

Zechariah’s prophecy and God’s promises to us all…


Merry Christmas to you all! We are so thankful for our Counselor
and Prince of Peace. May you have peace, comfort and joy.