The 99% are a much larger majority than the Tea Party/Far Right minority, who has done nothing but support corporate greed, the 1%, tax cuts for the rich, and Wall Street priorities. We continue to hear blame placed on the marginalized, the victims of the corruption in high places – Republican candidate Herman Cain said to the Wall Street Journal today, “Don’t blame Wall Street, don’t blame the big banks, if you don’t have a job and you’re not rich, blame yourself… It is not a person’s fault if they succeeded, it is a person’s fault if they failed.” Fellow brothers and sisters in Christ, let this rise up a righteous indignation, a righteous anger, within us and spur us on to take action! Jesus overturned the tables at the temple when he saw the poor being taken advantage of in God’s name. Not only were the Pharisees and the traders cheating the poor, they were doing it in God’s name, making a mockery of His name. We are called not only to defend the cause of the poor, the hurting, lost, victimized and marginalized, but to defend The Gospel and good name of our Lord.
There are more mentions throughout all of the Bible about the consequences of shaming the poor and social justice than could be mentioned here…click here for a list of several references.
Gregg Ross from Democracy for America said today: “Working together, we can build a movement to take back our country from corporate greed.” Yes we can!
Unions, Democrats seek momentum from ‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement
WASHINGTON (CNN) — Several hundred union and other progressive activists sought to capitalize on the growing “Occupy Wall Street” protests Wednesday, holding a rally on Capitol Hill to demand new public spending on job creation and an end to federal budget cuts.
The rally, led by former White House clean energy adviser Van Jones, highlighted growing liberal frustration with a public policy agenda increasingly dominated by deficit reduction efforts as opposed to more traditional economic stimulus measures.
A number of progressive Democrats are hoping to use the growing protests on Wall Street and elsewhere to energize the party’s base in advance of the 2012 elections.
They are also hoping to build new momentum for President Barack Obama’s stalled $447 billion jobs bill.
“The progressive movement is on the upswing,” declared Rep. Keith Ellison, D-Minnesota. “We are not going to stop. We are going to get the justice we deserve.”
Read the full article here: