Voters’ rights are under attack and they are hitting the Hispanic and black communities, the poor and registered Democrats the hardest. By now everyone has seen the story of the World War II vet in Florida whose voting rights have been revoked. NOW is the time to stand up against this attack against our most sacred right.

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, the nation’s top law enforcement officer, told a gathering of black church leaders on Wednesday in Washington, D.C., that laws requiring citizens to show a photo I.D. before voting were a threat to voting rights. He said such laws place “an unfair burden on non-white voters.”

Holder’s comments to the Conference of National Black Churches come as he is facing intense scrutiny and possible contempt charges from Republican members of Congress for his refusal to address issues relating to the Fast and Furious gun-walking program that has plagued the Obama administration.

The AG and the Department of Justice have yet to respond to a congressional subpoena requesting documents and information on their knowledge of the program and if they do not answer soon, leaders in the House of Representatives have said they will send a contempt letter to the department.

However, Holder devoted almost all of his remarks to voting rights, specifically the Voting Rights Act of 1965 signed into law by President Lyndon Johnson.

“Today as Attorney General, I have the privilege – and the solemn duty – of enforcement of enforcing this law, and the other civil rights reforms that President Johnson, Dr. King, and so many other courageous leaders and activists once championed,” Holder told the gathering.

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