In this episode of “What Would Jesus Pod?” hosts Christina Forrester and Justin Anderson interview Terry Heaton, author of “The Gospel of Self: How Pat Robertson Stole the Soul of the GOP,” as a follow-up to our in-depth study on “Christian” Dominionism. Terry Heaton worked with Pat Robertson in the 1980’s and has direct knowledge of Pat’s “shadow government” plans, plans to change the country and affect political policy through Dominionist theology and leaders.

Also in this episode…

  • New Zealand shooting: aftermath
  • The abomination of Labor Secretary Alex Acosta’s protections for a pedophile
  • Devin Nunes’ Cow and Justin’s Trump impression
  • Christina Forrester Closing Remarks: Maybe conservative Evangelicals should read the Bible instead of getting it autographed?


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Justin Anderson, co-host, co-producer and CDA multimedia director. Twitter/Facebook: @newman4life

Christina Forrester – Founder & Director of Christian Democrats of America. Twitter/Instagram/Youtube: @Christinaof9
Facebook: /christinaforrester
















Media inquiries here

* The views expressed by guests, organizations and affiliates of “What Would Jesus Pod?” are their own and do not necessarily represent the views of the hosts or Christian Democrats of America.