SCOTUS Nominee: The Constitution Only Counts When It Isn’t Obama

The Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, of the party who claims to abide by the Constitution, has said he will block President Obama's Supreme Court nominee, Merrick Garland...out of "principle." The President has picked a nominee that cannot be contested on grounds of "too liberal" or character or record, so the Republicans are vowing to block

Super Tuesday Part III: Rubio’s Last Stand? Pundits Weigh In

David Goldman/AP Today is Super Tuesday Part III and we will be following this important primary day. It is make or break for some candidates, and we could have some real answers on how the Republican and Democratic primaries are shaping up by the end of the night. Today could be Kasich and

This Twilight Zone Hitler Clip Eerily Resembles Trump Rallies

We don't often quote the Twilight Zone, but with the recent eruption of violence and stoking of anger and fear at Trump rallies, it is eerie how similar the Twilight Zone Episode, "He's Alive" resembles the rhetoric  at these rallies - perhaps even prophetic! The clip below shows a familiar figure coaching a young man on

The Term “Evangelical” is Actually Rooted in Social Justice

Jerry Falwell Jr of Liberty University made headlines by endorsing Trump this week We really need the media to stop portraying all Evangelicals as Right-Wing. How many times just this week have we seen headlines about the "Evangelical vote" and "another Evangelical endorses Trump?" The right-wing Evangelical movement has the ear and attention

The State of the Divide In Our Union

Last night President Obama laid out his vision for the country and our political process. It was reminiscent of his early days as President and first presidential campaign, when he presented his vision of hope and change. Unfortunately our politics have become more partisan over the last seven years despite his efforts. Our country is divided and

The President Wept

Today President Obama took real steps to save American lives. Despite the outcry from the Right you will surely hear, the Executive Actions on gun violence today did not create new unconstitutional laws, it simply created a pathway to actually enforce the current laws that are on the books and make them more effective. The

A New Day, A New Year

Broo_am (Andy B) As we see a difficult year for so many of God's children in our country and in our world come to a close, we hold on to hope of what this New Year, and election year, will bring. There are many unknowns, so many election battles, so much division -

Mary’s Song

Here at Christmas, we are reminded once again through Mary's song of praise how Jesus, even before His birth, exalted the humble and brought low the proud. God chose a peasant young woman of a poor village to carry our Savior, and He was born in a lowly manger, the most meager of surroundings. He

Thoughts and Prayers….and ACTION

In the aftermath of yet another tragic shooting in America, we have seen a huge backlash to the usually acceptable "thoughts and prayers" sentiment made by politicians. Most of the Republican presidential candidates tweeted basically the same thing - thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families, etc. We also sent out a tweet calling