Biblical Precedence for Student Loan Forgiveness

The Million Student March has swept the country starting yesterday in walk outs and protests across the country, and by now you've probably heard a lot of false information. The article below lays out what exactly the Million Student March is all about and what they are asking for. These students who are standing up

Goodbye Boehner, Hello Ryan

Below is a great summary of Paul Ryan and what kind of Speaker he could make. No one is questioning whether Ryan truly wants family time, cares about the poor and his faith, or wants to serve his country well as the new Speaker. But demanding your own family time while not supporting paid family leave for

SCOTUS upholds Obamacare…and we are BLESSED!

Wonderful news this morning that should have Christians and all people of faith rejoicing: millions of our nation's poor and low income families and individuals will get to keep their health care! The Supreme Court has put the final seal on the deal today that the Affordable Care Act will not be dismantled and there

Not our values: Senate dismantles health care for the poor

If you needed proof that a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress along with a 2016 new Republican president would be a tragedy for low and middle-income Americans and a victory for the most wealthy....this is it. The night after the House passed a surprisingly bi-partisan budget that covers Medicare funding and health care

The Hopeful State of the Union

Last night President Obama struck a hopeful tone in his State of the Union address, recounting the major economic achievements of the past year and this term of his Presidency, including the things that are making the most difference for low income and middle class Americans such as low gas prices. The President outlined his

The REAL Assault on Christian Values and Liberty in America

Christina Forrester | 11-14-14, 12:05pm 90-year-old Arnold Abbott retrieves his driver license to present to police during an altercation over Fort Lauderdale's new law restricting distributing food to the homeless. Lynne Sladky/AP Let me call your attention to this sentence from the article below (you may be like me and need to read

President Obama Will Take Action on Immigration

Image courtesy of www.tulsaworld.comThe President announced at his post-election press conference this afternoon that he will take executive action on immigration reform by the end of the year - no more waiting on this or the next Congress. This is a good report for all of us who believe in social justice and our responsibility