Vote the Golden Rule

With midterm elections only weeks away, this is an important time to evaluate - whether you are an Independent, Democrat or Republican - which candidate, party and legislation is lining up with your values. What is morally, or spiritually, the right choice? And with all the commentary and debate, the best test for a Christian

Expanding Our Neighborly View

By Dr. Linda Seger | 9-24-14 When Jesus was asked which was the greatest of the Ten Commandments, he said there were only two that would encompass all others: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and your neighbor as yourself.” But who is my neighbor? Jesus challenged us to expand

Don’t Work….Don’t Eat?

We have seen it hundreds of times on the CDA Facebook comments, tweets, in blog comments and from Religious Right and far-Right affiliated organizations.... "The Bible says 'If you don't work, you don't eat!'" This has been used as a Biblical excuse to cut food-stamps for families in poverty, to not fund health-care for the

New Jobs Paying Less Than Lost Jobs

Just further proof that if we want real economic reform for the 100%, we need minimum wage to become a livable wage now! And we need investment into education and our infrastructure. This Congress won't do it - in November let's elect one that will! The Jobs Added In Today’s Economy Pay A Quarter Less

Did the Supreme Court Make the Right Decision on Abortion Law?

What do you think? Should protesters be allowed to stand at the entrances to clinics? Was this the right move by the Supreme Court to protect our freedom of speech, or will it potentially increase violence and harassment?  If "counselors" are indeed there to show compassion, lend a helping hand and reach out in a

Farm Bill Passes on a Compromise

The GOP wanted to cut $40 billion from the SNAP program with the Farm Bill...thankfully this was reduced substantially to $8 billion and did not include the provisions of kicking people off the program, forcing drug testing for recipients and cutting off anyone who has ever been to jail for life! But the cuts will

The State of the Union: Year of Action

We just heard President Obama's State of the Union message, highlighting issues that are important to us: a livable minimum wage, immigration reform, continued progress on the Affordable Care Act, diplomacy over war, equal pay, extending unemployment benefits, jobs, voting rights and much more. The President is doing what he can through executive orders, but