We’ve got a deal…for now

Doug Mills/The New York Times It looks as thought the Tea-Party hostage game with the country may end today, just hours before a US default and potential economic collapse. First, we're going to Praise God that a deal has come through, that we won't see the potential consequences on our nation that a

The Desperation of Many Ends With Obamacare

My story is not too different from her....I've been without insurance for 8 years, have needed asthma medication and since I'm self-employed could not get covered due to asthma as a pre-existing condition. I'm thankful for those in Congress who have held fast for people like me, and for the President. Now me and millions

Criminalizing the Homeless: War on the Poor part 2

Cities and parks across the country setting up ordinances that essentially criminalize poverty and those trying to help them. Another feature of the War on the Poor series - a great article from Sojourners highlighting the criminalization of the homeless and the hungry. Psalm 72 below speaks of why the King of a

Obama offers new ‘grand bargain’

Listen to this speech and read the quote below and you will see where the President Obama's priorities are - giving the working poor a chance to survive and reach the middle class, strengthening the middle class, jobs, infrastructure, a real and fair budget and tax code. However, the GOP has already responded before the

The Reckless Right-Wing War on America

The United States Capitol, American Flag and Bald Eagle. Photo courtesy Liz Van Steenburgh/Shutterstock.com With virtually every legislative action in the wings right now because of the radical Right in the House, the recklessness of the far-Right has never been more noticeable. It is literally effecting millions of lives in America. The Reckless

Sequester hitting hard for families, now on flights

Image from pushbuffalo.org We are just beginning to feel the effects from this ridiculous sequester on everyday life and the economy. It will only worsen if Congress will not work with the President on a compromise that won't cut on the backs of the lowest income brackets. So far, those at the bottom

How are we as Christians perceived by the world?

How are we as Christians perceived by the world? by "CeeGee" 2/27/2013 2:00 pm EST Having had the opportunity, in the professional world, to walk among people of many different backgrounds, I have come to wrestle the perceptions of my Christianity I encounter and reactions that both unbelievers and I have towards Christians. I have

President Obama pressures GOP on sequester

The President is right when he says that one "manufactured crisis" after another is doing no good for the economy, for faith in our economy, the job market...for anyone. There are some spending cuts that need to happen and can be compromised on - however, the Republicans cannot continue to hold hostage the entire economy