GOP Hold on Faith and Values is Narrowing

Great article by Jack Jenkins on how the GOP is losing its hold on the unchallenged "fact" that they are the party of faith. When you have Presidential candidates like we saw in the debate last week, talking about endorsing the use of torture (yes you, Ben Carson) and dismantling healthcare for millions of Americans who

Poverty and Wage Inequality: Where is the Moral Outrage?!

In reading a new report conducted by MSNBC and Matt Black on poverty in America, I feel the need to ask the question: where is the moral and spiritual outrage?! In the midst of many Christians in America being so focused on same-sex marriage and "religious freedom" controversies, we have an epidemic of poverty and

Not our values: Senate dismantles health care for the poor

If you needed proof that a Republican majority in both Houses of Congress along with a 2016 new Republican president would be a tragedy for low and middle-income Americans and a victory for the most wealthy....this is it. The night after the House passed a surprisingly bi-partisan budget that covers Medicare funding and health care

The Hopeful State of the Union

Last night President Obama struck a hopeful tone in his State of the Union address, recounting the major economic achievements of the past year and this term of his Presidency, including the things that are making the most difference for low income and middle class Americans such as low gas prices. The President outlined his

A Christmas and New Year Wish

As we dive into Christmas and New Year's celebrations full swing, attend our parties, family gatherings, churches or celebrate quietly at home, our wish to you is that you can take a few minutes to reflect and feel the presence of the Spirit of peace. Pray, allow yourself to feel the freedom of the love

A Modest Proposal?

Since my last ranting, I have been hoping that Americans would see past the rhetoric, trash talk and, let’s face it, propaganda that is spewed out year after year but especially at election times. That didn’t happen in fact as shown in this last election we took another step backwards. I’m supposing people enjoy having

Jesus was liberal…and conservative

Christian Conservative vs. Liberal Values By Dr. Linda Seger | 11-25-14 Jesus was both conservative and liberal. A conservative value that Jesus affirmed was the value of accountability and responsibility. Leaders are to rule justly, not be beholden to the rich, the powerful, or the influential. Justice transcends political parties. The Bible also begins with a commandment

The REAL Assault on Christian Values and Liberty in America

Christina Forrester | 11-14-14, 12:05pm 90-year-old Arnold Abbott retrieves his driver license to present to police during an altercation over Fort Lauderdale's new law restricting distributing food to the homeless. Lynne Sladky/AP Let me call your attention to this sentence from the article below (you may be like me and need to read

President Obama Will Take Action on Immigration

Image courtesy of www.tulsaworld.comThe President announced at his post-election press conference this afternoon that he will take executive action on immigration reform by the end of the year - no more waiting on this or the next Congress. This is a good report for all of us who believe in social justice and our responsibility