New Year’s Resolutions According to the Gospel

What would Jesus' New Year's resolutions list for us be? We think it would look a lot like this... Thank you to all our members who contributed on Facebook!  God bless you and your family and may 2014 be full of hope and New Life abundant for you. CDA’s New Year’s Resolutions According to the

Merry Christmas from CDA

We wish you and your loved ones a very Merry Christmas! We pray you feel the love, peace and joy of Christ our Lord through this season and always...and that you share His kindness, compassion, mercy and above all love with all those you encounter, not just at Christmas but all through the year.    

No One Died at The Phony Crisis of Obamacare

This article by Dean Baker at Huffington Post summarizes the truth about the Affordable Care Act well - it isn't perfect, but it is not the apocalypse. In fact, it is going to help millions of Americans in the states where governors and Republican representatives are not fighting against it. In the states that are

We’ve got a deal…for now

Doug Mills/The New York Times It looks as thought the Tea-Party hostage game with the country may end today, just hours before a US default and potential economic collapse. First, we're going to Praise God that a deal has come through, that we won't see the potential consequences on our nation that a

The Desperation of Many Ends With Obamacare

My story is not too different from her....I've been without insurance for 8 years, have needed asthma medication and since I'm self-employed could not get covered due to asthma as a pre-existing condition. I'm thankful for those in Congress who have held fast for people like me, and for the President. Now me and millions

The GOP Shut Down and New Hope for Millions

Well the Radical Right Wing of the Republican party finally had its way and has succeeded in shutting down our government. But that does not mean they have won this war. As they hold America hostage based on ideological principles, millions of people are signing up for healthcare coverage under the new exchanges opened today.

Criminalizing the Homeless: War on the Poor part 2

Cities and parks across the country setting up ordinances that essentially criminalize poverty and those trying to help them. Another feature of the War on the Poor series - a great article from Sojourners highlighting the criminalization of the homeless and the hungry. Psalm 72 below speaks of why the King of a

The #WaronthePoor Part I – South Carolina criminalizes homeless

Below is one of many examples just over the past week of the disturbing trend, and apparent popularity in heavily Right-Wing districts, of an all-out War on the Poor in our country. Vowing to defund Obamacare. Refusal to accept the Medicaid mandate, leaving millions without healthcare and without options. Voting rights, threatening arrest to non-profits