CDA Sunday Podcast Hour – Christians Against Hate Series with Pernessa Seele and Pastor David Forrester

What can we do as Christians to stand up against hate, racism, bigotry? How do we keep from becoming bitter ourselves? The first of our Christians Against Hate series. Please share our podcast with hashtag #ChristiansAgainstHate! About our guests... Pernessa C. Seele is the founder and CEO of The Balm In Gilead, Inc., a not-for-profit organization,

Calling Good What Is Evil and Evil What Is Good

IBTIMES UK Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter. I truly believe the Word of God is living, staying relevant to each generation as we apply it to today. Indeed,

The Final Clinton Conspiracy

Editor's Note: May this final blog before all the ballots are cast assist any of you who need a fresh Christian perspective on Hillary Clinton make your decision today. Happy Election Day - GO VOTE!  I remember hearing my first Clinton conspiracy story when I was just a kid and not surprisingly, it was in my


John Salmons holds up a sign to show support for the #ChristiansAgainstHate campaign FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: October 24, 2016 NBA PLAYER JOHN SALMONS JOINS THE #CHRISTIANSAGAINSTHATE MOVEMENT (Washington, D.C.) Today, Christian Democrats of America is proud to announce the newest addition to their team, board of advisors, and advocate of the #ChristiansAgainstHate movement,

Using God to Manipulate Voters – A Word From an Evangelical Pastor

Using God to Manipulate Voters - A Word From an Evangelical Pastor by Pastor Dave Forrester  10/9/2016 As a pastor, working in full-time ministry on many fronts for over 40 years, I see something happening in this election that is very troubling to me. It's troubling, not only because of the content, but also because

Christians for Hillary Pre-Debate Prayer Rally Podcast

We had an important discussion on Christian values, Hillary Clinton, the 2016 election and the first Presidential debate on our prayer rally podcast, which you can listen to below. There is so much at stake in this election and as Christians we must stand up for love and justice. Please join with us in prayer