The Latest From #OccupyWallStreet

We had to share this picture with you...we don't know who this person is, but we hope he or she finds us! We are standing with you and you are all in our prayers. Help us spread word on CDOA to anyone you know in the Occupy movement to let them know there are many,

Obama announces relief for student loans and foreclosures

Some great moves have been made this week by President Obama to bring immediate relief to suffering families. The President is finally making a very strong stand for the 99% by moving around the GOP Congress in any way he can to get things done. Student Loan Debt: President Barack Obama recalled his struggles with

Punishing the Poor

A number of GOP-run states have proposed, and some have even passed, bills that require poor people to be drug tested before they can receive benefits - even food stamps! Below are links to two videos from a segment on the Rachel Maddow Show last night about these new policies... This one is highlighting the

Cain: Another Reason to Praise God Today!

We can truly thank God and rejoice that there is no chance this man will ever get into the White House as President of the United States. We can't say this too often, but CDOA agrees with Michelle Bachmann on this one - the "999" plan is only an upside down "666" plan! :) Cain's

Irate customers ditch big banks

From the Occupy Movement to now the bank revolt, this is not about partisanship, or any of the negative spins (more like heartless bashing of the poor and middle class victims by some) GOP candidates are trying to put on these crowds. These are citizens who are rising up and fed up with the greed

‘Occupy Wall Street’ movement grows in momentum

The 99% are a much larger majority than the Tea Party/Far Right  minority, who has done nothing but support corporate greed, the 1%, tax cuts for the rich, and Wall Street priorities. We continue to hear blame placed on the marginalized, the victims of the corruption in high places - Republican candidate Herman Cain said

Occupy Wall Street rediscovers the radical imagination

The people are finally beginning to really rise up, and we hope this turns into a large-scale movement across all the country - "overturning the tables," so to speak. Stand up against greed! Stand up against corruption! Stand up FOR compassion, the working Americans, unemployed, and the large percentage of Americans in poverty. OCCUPY. Why

Jesus: We Interrupt This Execution to Bring You a Message of Grace

The AP just reported this morning that Troy Davis was denied clemency, and if nothing major happens between now and tomorrow at 7pm, a man with a considerable amount of reasonable doubt of his guilt, will be executed. A very timely blog article that every Christian should read is on Sojourners, below is an excerpt and we

Obama: ‘This is not class warfare, it’s math’

We're standing with the President in his proposal - make your voices heard! It is only the American public that can turn this thing around now - they have to know we will not accept anymore lies about the rich needing more money to help the economy. The poor, the middle class - the other