Texas Legislature Passes Measure To Prevent Medicaid Expansion

Straight from the oldest written book of the Bible, we are given a great understanding of the fear of God. This is for Gov. Perry, the Texas Republican legislature, and all the others in states who are blocking the needy from receiving life-saving medical care... Do you truly not tremble before God? Job 31: 16-23

Gang of 8 looks to defend guest worker plan

The Gang’s rock-solid unity is already fueling anger from conservatives and critics. | AP Photo We continue to pray for the swift passage of immigration reform that is just, fair and compassionate. The radicals that would have there be no progress will not win! The Senate Gang of Eight has largely controlled the

Obama to launch ‘Jobs and Opportunity’ tours

With President Obama starting this tour today, we are hoping he will also be pushing a livable minimum wage and the enormity of the wage gap in the country. As always, the Bible says it best... President Obama is turning back to the jobs issue, launching a series of "Middle Class Jobs and Opportunity Tours"

Wages stagnant; corporations boom

image from thinkprogress.org On the front cover of USA Today is the shameful proclamation: "Worker pay is flat even as stocks and corporate profits set new records." Wage increases will strengthen the overall economy by leaps and bounds, as the article below lays out. But we can't sit by and expect corporations and

National Day of Prayer – May 2nd

Matthew 18:20 "For where two or three are gathered together in My name, I am there in the midst of them.” We invite you to join us on the National Day of Prayer for a focused and united prayer for the populations of vulnerable, low income and those in poverty who are suffering because of

Senate takes action on flight delays: Inconvenience before humanity

This morning we received news that the Senate has passed a "band-aid" fix for funding for the FAA to stop furloughs. It passed quickly and without argument. Amazing how fast they moved when it effected Congress and other powerful players in a personal way, via flight delays. The USA Today editorial posted below says: "As long

Sequester hitting hard for families, now on flights

Image from pushbuffalo.org We are just beginning to feel the effects from this ridiculous sequester on everyday life and the economy. It will only worsen if Congress will not work with the President on a compromise that won't cut on the backs of the lowest income brackets. So far, those at the bottom

Even in darkness…light dawns

Psalm 112: 4 Even in darkness light dawns for the upright,     for those who are gracious and compassionate and righteous. We wanted to share this prayer with you that is posted on the Sojourners website today - may God give you the strength to pray this prayer together as we also pray for the victims and their

For Evangelicals, a Shift in Views on Immigration

Preaching Citizenship: A changing attitude in evangelical congregations like the First Baptist Church of Orlando, Fla., could help sway lawmakers as they consider immigration reform. Praise God that on this issue the Body of Christ is coming together finally, and embracing what the Word of God says about the stranger in our land.

UPDATE: They GOT a vote!

 Senate votes 68-31 to cut off gun filibuster The Senate on Thursday voted 68-31 to move forward and start the most comprehensive debate on reducing gun violence in 19 years. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev, said the process of amending the gun legislation will begin -- and there are several proposed changes that will