GOP Attacks Food Stamp Recipients Once Again

The Christian moderates and progressives can no longer sit by and allow the poor and working poor to be stigmatized and insulted - GOP: Enough is enough! People don't make enough to sustain their families because wages are so low, and many cannot find work or enough work - yet the GOP is also against

Obama offers new ‘grand bargain’

Listen to this speech and read the quote below and you will see where the President Obama's priorities are - giving the working poor a chance to survive and reach the middle class, strengthening the middle class, jobs, infrastructure, a real and fair budget and tax code. However, the GOP has already responded before the

The Reckless Right-Wing War on America

The United States Capitol, American Flag and Bald Eagle. Photo courtesy Liz Van Steenburgh/ With virtually every legislative action in the wings right now because of the radical Right in the House, the recklessness of the far-Right has never been more noticeable. It is literally effecting millions of lives in America. The Reckless

Sequestration: Continuing to harm the most vulnerable

There are many distractions from the continued reality of the sequester and what effects the extreme cuts are having on the most vulnerable - from low-income families and children, to seniors, to cancer patients. We are calling on Democrats to step up to the plate and make a reversal of this decision, this attack on

A Homeless Man and His BlackBerry

Encouraging everyone to read this entire article - and gain more understanding and perspective. We need not only changes in policy for dealing with the epidemic of homelessness and extreme poverty, but a cultural shift in compassion, negative-stigmatizing and understanding. You could tell he was different the moment he walked in the coffee shop. It

Farm bill advances in House

DISGRACEFUL! We will remember in 2014. "A Democratic amendment to restore $20.5 billion in food stamp cuts was easily defeated 234-188" Deuteronomy 15:7 “If there is a poor man among your brothers in any of the towns of the land that the Lord your God is giving you, do not be hardhearted or tightfisted toward

Arizona passes Medicaid expansion, despite conservative opposition

Miracles DO happen. Despite a Republican ruled legislature, and with the support of a Republican Governor who, until now, has been one of the most radical-right governors in the country, Arizona has passed the Obamacare Medicaid expansion plan. The measure will provide healthcare for 350,000 uninsured, low-income Arizonans. In an unprecedented move, Gov. Jan Brewer decided to

Looming food-stamp cuts split Democrats, anger anti-hunger groups

Shame on the Democrats and Republicans who voted for these cuts, and pray this does not pass, leaving millions without food! God bless Rep. Barbara Lee, a California Democrat, who "is mobilizing opposition to the spending reductions. She’s lined up 20 lawmakers to rally next week at a Safeway grocery store in Washington and pledge