What Would Jesus Pod? Episode 13: Tribute to John McCain and Interview with GA House Candidate Josh McCall

Josh McCall, Georgia 9th District House Candidatemccallforall.comtwitter.com/mccallforallfacebook.com/mccallforall WWJP Episode 13 features an interview with CDA-endorsed Georgia House District 9 Candidate Josh McCall, an outspoken Christian Democratic candidate, and coverage of the new hurricane death toll in Puerto Rico. Also a special tribute to Senator John McCain. The place where REAL Christian values meets

What Would Jesus Pod Episode 10 – Congressional Nominee Jana Lynn Sanchez Is Ready to Turn Texas Blue

Jana Lynn Sanchez, CDA-endorsed candidate for Congress in Texas District 6, joins us on episode 10 of What Would Jesus Pod – the place real Christian values meets politics. Also in this episode: the Trump administration’s attack on LEGAL immigrants, elections, and Christina Forrester talks about religious peer pressure and Vicky Beeching’s book ‘Undivided.’ Listen

Breaking Religious Peer Pressure: Christian Democrats, the Church and the Vicky Beeching Story

For many years now, I have received daily messages from people of all ages, in all areas of the country, who have been living under the oppression of religious peer-pressure. The message is so familiar I have it memorized at this point – their church, and many times family, support a very conservative brand of

What Would Jesus Pod? Episode 8 – Meet Deedra, the AZ Senate Candidate Everyone is Talking About

Deedra is a Democrat, attorney, women's and civil rights activist running for the US Senate Democratic nomination in Arizona. Hear our in-depth interview on faith, values, stereotypes, what she has faced as a Muslim running for Senate in a red state and her policy plans to fight for all Arizonans. www.Deedra2018.com FB: Deedra2018 Twitter: @Deedra2018

What Would Jesus Pod – Can Justice and Mercy Win in Alabama? Interview With Tabitha Isner, Congressional Candidate

CDA endorsed Congressional candidate in Alabama Tabitha Isner joins us for a real discussion on what it means to be a Christian Democrat in a red state, and what family values really mean to her. Also commentary on politics, news and issues facing our country, and why no human is “illegal” according to the Bible.

What Would Jesus Pod? Episode 6 – Why Do Conservative Christians Support Trump?

Special guest Terry Heaton, Executive Producer for the 700 Club in the 1980’s, shares his unique insight into Pat Robertson, the Religious Right and why 80% of white Evangelicals voted for Trump. Also, commentary on today's news, and the Arizona Senate candidate who wants to put an end to American diversity. This is the place

The Dangers of Radicalized Christianity in Government

By Justin Anderson I'd like to take a moment to explain the difference between religion and government. Religion is the moral map for individuals to live their lives by. These developed beliefs can come from a wide array of writings and teachings. There are many religions in this world and they each hold different things

“What Would Jesus Pod?” Episode Four with Arizona Gubernatorial Nominee Kelly Fryer: Can a Gay Christian Minister Win in AZ?

In-depth interview with Kelly Fryer, former Lutheran minister who, if elected, would be the first openly lesbian governor in the U.S. Tackling major news, part-2 of a special report on the far-right's plan to dismantle education, and closing remarks to Christians who want to make America great again. https://fryerforarizona.com/ Can a Christian minister/Democrat/lesbian become

What Would Jesus Pod? CDA New Podcast Program Launches Thursday, June 7th!

ANNOUNCING: What Would Jesus Pod? “Where real Christian values meets politics” CDA has been running podcasts for several years during the election cycle, but we are finally expanding with a weekly podcast show, “What Would Jesus Pod?” This is not your average Christian political talk radio. We will be bringing together current news, politics and