New Pope Francis – a Social Justice Pope?

The choice of a new pope has shocked many this afternoon, and if you have been watching the news you hear the commentaries and the refreshing excitement of something new. Pope Francis is the first from Latin America, being from Argentina, and reflects many firsts - including being a Jesuit, who are commonly committed to

GOP willing to spend…on military and border patrol

GOP says YES to border patrol, nuclear weapons, FBI, military and prisons, and a big NO to healthcare, financial regulation, WIC (food for babies of low income women), education...because the average middle class person or person living below the poverty line doesn't care about or need those things, right? Babies don't need that formula, right?

Seeing Citizenship Path Near, Activists Push Obama to Slow Deportations

Unless they are a danger to society, President Obama - stop the aggressive deportations, stop separating families, until we have reform and a fair path in place! Dan Gill for The New York TimesLorella Praeli of the advocacy group United We Dream with Representative Luis V. Gutierrez. As President Obama intensifies his campaign for a

President Obama pressures GOP on sequester

The President is right when he says that one "manufactured crisis" after another is doing no good for the economy, for faith in our economy, the job market...for anyone. There are some spending cuts that need to happen and can be compromised on - however, the Republicans cannot continue to hold hostage the entire economy

The State of the Union: Progressive Christian response

The State of the Union is...progressing forward! The President laid out an agenda for the country that was centered around social justice values, including increasing the minimum wage and laying out a plan for a consistent increase to make this a livable wage, giving all children the same opportunities to attend early childhood education, jobs,

Senators announce immigration deal

We are greatly encouraged by the bi-partisan coalition that came out today with a real plan for comprehensive immigration form that will give millions of undocumented immigrants in the US a chance to stay here legally, and provide a course for citizenship in due time. Finally, a real plan and bi-partisan support! Now let us

Pastor Pulls Out of Inauguration Over Anti-Gay Sermon

The beauty of our democracy, and what so many of us love most about America, is our freedom. Christians should be at the forefront of promoting freedom/freewill, both for those with whom we disagree and agree (and in this case that "one with whom you disagree" in this story will vary greatly for each of