Which Jesus do you know…and serve?

All around us everyday in politics, Christian and mainstream media, and in personal life examples, we see Jesus portrayed. The tragic thing is He is often not portrayed for who He really is. The image put forth of who Jesus Christ is, what He says, what He believes, and how He wants us to treat

Tea Party Downgrade?

In keeping it fair, this downgrade is the fault of many, not just the Tea Party. It is partly the fault of the Democrats, including the President, who have not stood firm and fought hard enough on their values and what they know is right, both morally and economically. However, it is very true that

The Works of the Flesh and the Debt Ceiling Deal

So true! This blog expresses the clear relationship Christians should observe between Godly principles, scripture and some of our Congressional leadership. We need to pray. by Margaret Benefiel of Sojourners: In Galatians 5:19-20, Paul lists the “works of the flesh,” contrasting them to the “fruit of the Spirit” immediately thereafter (Gal. 5:22-23). Among the works of the

US backs Somali aid

Pray for Somali. We've researched that the best website to donate to is: http://www.usaid.gov/. We're proud our country is stepping out when others have had to backed down, to save millions of children and adults from starvation. Excerpt from MSNBC: Putting the needs of millions of starving Somalis above terrorism concerns, the United Statesmoved Tuesday to

Gabrielle Giffords returns to Congress for debt ceiling vote

A miraculous light in the midst of the confusion and chaos! From LA Times: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) returned to Congress in dramatic fashion for the first time since she was shot in the head in January, appearing almost unannounced in the midst of voting on one of the most contentious issues of the year. The

White House, congressional leaders reach debt deal

In regards to cuts, the article states: "In an important concession to Democrats, benefits from entitlement programs including Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and veterans benefits will be exempt." Washington (CNN) -- Two days before the deadline for a possible U.S. government default, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders reached agreement Sunday on a legislative package

House delays vote on GOP debt-limit bill

So what happened last night? Was this a meeting, circus, complete destruction of any kind of diplomacy and governing or just a pizza party? We apologize for sounding sarcastic, this is just starting to get a bit ridiculous. Just pray President Obama will take action in forcing a lift on the debt-ceiling so we can

Christian groups pressure lawmakers to protect the poor in debt talks

From the article: "The religious leaders said Tuesday that they were reviewing the latest proposals from Reid and Boehner for steep cuts to the federal budget. They expressed concern that both plans appeared to endorse trillions of dollars in cuts that, according to the church leaders, would most likely hit the poor hard." And THAT

Solomon’s Wisdom and the Debt Ceiling

This is a blog worth reading! We found this on Sojourners today and had to share it with you. What true Biblical wisdom - the Word of God is LIVING and relevant to all our crises and circumstances today. We pray the voters see clearly in 2012 who was and is willing to "tear the

‘Circle of Protection’ makes case to President Obama

Great article and praying the President and all representatives took this meeting to heart. Also praising God that there are many Christians like us out there fighting for social justice and protection for the poor! From the article: "'Every Gang of Six, every House of Representatives, every Speaker of the House, the question should be