Happy Veteran’s Day

                            Church Leaders Say Returning Vets Need Time, Attention As Veterans Day approaches, denominational leaders and chaplains with years of military service are calling on more churches to find ways to minister to the men and women who have recently returned from


It all comes down to today, and now we, the people, decide. Get out and bring someone with you today! Is there an elderly person you know who can't drive themselves to the polling place? Are you in the North East where there is damage and difficulty in getting to a polling place? Someone you

Arizona election critical for social justice

This kind of gross, inhumane injustice is why we urge everyone in Arizona to support Lilia Alvarez for Supervisor, Paul Penzone for Maricopa County Sheriff, Dr. Richard Carmona, Vote Matthew Cerra and other candidates standing up against the extremism and corruption that has overtaken AZ, especially Maricopa County, politics. For everyone outside Arizona, consider helping with a donation, Facebook "Like,"

Sandy and the Election: Campaign Response

  We are glad the Obama and Romney campaigns ceased activities and emails in affected areas and that the President is obviously putting the disaster relief ahead of the election, even though both campaigns are very well aware of the potential political implications of every step they make right now. Our prayers are with everyone

Final Presidential Debate: The Truth on Obama’s Foreign Policy

  President Obama and his administration has restored confidence in America throughout the world, has taken down top terrorist leaders and built strong allies...and no matter what you may hear, has been committed to Israel also. Tonight should have the Romney campaign sweating... Below are 5 facts to remember tonight and talking points when you come across

Income inequality and what the President is doing about it

President Obama has made a stand that we have been hoping and praying for regarding the "fiscal cliff" - that he will veto legislation unless Republicans compromise on raising taxes for the wealthy. This strong stand by the President comes after the report in the New York Times that income inequality has now soared to