Iowa Caucus Day

UPDATES: - Romney wins by 8 votes - Santorum and Romney Now contend for New Hampshire - McCain Backs Romney After Santorum’s Surge in Iowa - Perry, Fifth in Iowa, Decides to Push Forward - Bachmann ends presidential bid - AND a new term is coined from Santorum's win... "TEAvangelicals"....seriously? Yes. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ UPDATE: Romney and Santorum at a

Occupy L.A. protesters to seek court order to block eviction

We believe in the movement and stand behind the occupiers - but what do you think about the evictions? Are they constitutionally allowed to stay overnight across the country? LA Times: Protesters plan to file for a federal injunction that would prevent police from dismantling the Occupy L.A. encampment around City Hall. The complaint, which

Deficit Deal Falls Apart

This is really no surprise - when you have one party in agreement talks that refuses to consider making the wealthy pay their fair share and wants to lay the burden on the lower and middle class, how can a fair agreement be made? If there is no room for compromise, there will be no

The Latest From #OccupyWallStreet

We had to share this picture with you...we don't know who this person is, but we hope he or she finds us! We are standing with you and you are all in our prayers. Help us spread word on CDOA to anyone you know in the Occupy movement to let them know there are many,

Downturn takes heaviest toll on younger Americans

We know this to be true firsthand, as most of the CDOA team is under 35! Just the ability to go to a doctor or get a much needed prescription filled is out of reach for so many young Americans. Our prayers and support are with those standing up against the injustice. From

Obama announces relief for student loans and foreclosures

Some great moves have been made this week by President Obama to bring immediate relief to suffering families. The President is finally making a very strong stand for the 99% by moving around the GOP Congress in any way he can to get things done. Student Loan Debt: President Barack Obama recalled his struggles with

Cain: Another Reason to Praise God Today!

We can truly thank God and rejoice that there is no chance this man will ever get into the White House as President of the United States. We can't say this too often, but CDOA agrees with Michelle Bachmann on this one - the "999" plan is only an upside down "666" plan! :) Cain's

Official Statement of the Occupy WallStreet movement

This is the official statement of the movement of Occupy Wall Street. It is a constitutional movement, yet hundreds, and nearly thousands have been arrested while peacefully assembling. We pray for the success of a movement that seeks social justice and bringing down corporate greed. As we gather together in solidarity to express a feeling

Christian Pastor Faces Execution in Iran

PRAY for Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani, a faithful man of God facing execution for his faith in Iran. What a devout servant of the Lord to refuse to recant his beliefs - we are with him in prayers, support. To Iran...the USA, the whole world, is watching you now. “We ought always to thank God for