Does or doesn’t Romney back Akin?

Once again, Mitt Romney will not make a real stand on any values or principles - what do you stand for, what are your values, Mitt? He condemns Rep. Todd Akin's rape remarks, but would not withdraw his support for him running and winning the Missouri Senate race. Below is the story about Akin's comments,

GOP Promises Medicaid cuts for the poor

If you needed another reason why to re-elect President Obama and vote in a Democratic majority to the House and Senate, this is it! It is incredible that GOP candidates, including Mitt Romney, believe that the promise of sentencing thousands of the nation's poorest children and families to hopelessness and in some cases even death,

Sheriff Joe Arpaio trial underway

If you have any doubt of the racial profiling, discrimination and injustice that Latinos in Arizona have faced under Sheriff Arpaio, watch our Youtube interviews with the Former Mayor of Guadalupe, AZ and the filmmakers of "Two Americans." SB1070 Prayer Vigil LIVE at the Arizona State Capitol Sheriff Joe Arpaio and Christian Values Ariz. sheriff

Obama renews call for tax-cuts and fairness

President Obama spoke today about keeping the tax cuts for middle and lower-income families, but raising them to the Clinton-era level for those making over 250k. This is not only a system of fairness and social justice, but also a logical step in the right direction for our economic recovery, job creation and more.   

Hillary Clinton’s Last Tour as a Rock-Star Diplomat

Hillary has accomplished so much in the past 4 years and has given America credibility in the world again - thank you Hillary!  On May 3, the day after an artful deal to end the diplomatic crisis over Chen Guangcheng, China’s now-famous dissident, unraveled spectacularly, Hillary Rodham Clinton followed a scrum of Chinese

A GOOD REPORT: Supreme Court upholds health care law

The health care law has been upheld so far! A huge victory for all progressives today and for the millions of Americans without healthcare. We will update as the news progresses today. But for now... Hallelujah! From "In a dramatic victory for President Barack Obama, the Supreme Court upheld the 2010 health care law Thursday,

Good news: Student-loan rates agreement reached

To the credit of President Obama's putting this issue at the forefront, the Senate seems to have an agreement on the student loan issue. This is great news for the economy, students and the millions in loan debt.   More than 7 million college students could be spared higher loan rates under a deal reached Tuesday by

Reaction to Supreme Court SB1070 Ruling

For Gov. Brewer to call this a validation or victory for the Arizona SB1070 law is far-reaching. 3 of the 4 provisions were struck down, and the controversial 4th provision was upheld only on very strict conditions by the Supreme Court. This is not the complete victory we had hoped for, but we have the

More Reasons to Pray for the Affordable Care Act

Just a few more reasons to be praying for the Supreme Court's decision - not only are billions in dollars at stake, but thousands, millions, of Americans' health is as well.  PEEKSKILL, N.Y. — In this small city about an hour from Manhattan, pregnant teenagers, laid-off professionals and day laborers without insurance receive care at