NYC’s Fast-Food Workers Strike, Demand ‘Living Wages’

These workers do not make even close to a livable wage within New York City or anywhere else in the country. Just as Walmart keeps their employees on a "barely able to survive day-by-day" wage, this industry is turning in billions in profit and is a prime example of the grossly unjust wage gap in

Reflections for Easter weekend

Happy Easter to all - He has risen!                         Powerful Easter song and video showing Jesus fighting for justice and expressing his love... John 15:9-17 9 “As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love. 10 If you keep my commands, you

Christian Right and Left agreement on immigration?

It seems the Christian Right has caught on to the multitudes of Biblical references to justice for the immigrant at last. These Republicans and Evangelicals are sounding a lot like Christians Democrats, but no matter how long it has taken and for what reason, we are simply rejoicing that this gives realistic promise for real

How the right helped launch same-sex marriage movement

Michael Dorf and Sid Tarrow say national conservative opposition helped bring gay marriage to the top of the LGBT agenda. This article brings out an important point of the political Right making this a hot button and front-center issue because of their harsh and outspoken stance against it. I'd like to propose that

New Pope Francis – a Social Justice Pope?

The choice of a new pope has shocked many this afternoon, and if you have been watching the news you hear the commentaries and the refreshing excitement of something new. Pope Francis is the first from Latin America, being from Argentina, and reflects many firsts - including being a Jesuit, who are commonly committed to

What a Liberal Wants

Republicans unveiled their grand budget plan, which is basically The Ryan Plan without compromise. The "Robin-Hood in reverse" budget consists of repealing Obamacare and replacing it with vouchers, slashing programs for low income families, and giving more tax incentives to corporations and the wealthy. Compare this plan with the ideal plan laid out here

International Women’s Day

Pray for women's right around the globe! "Women's rights are human rights." ~ Hillary Clinton This week we have seen a major victory in the Violence Against Women Act finally being passed again into law, with added measures of protection. Please visit our Women's Rights resource page for resources on women's rights, equality, and scripture: 

GOP willing to spend…on military and border patrol

GOP says YES to border patrol, nuclear weapons, FBI, military and prisons, and a big NO to healthcare, financial regulation, WIC (food for babies of low income women), education...because the average middle class person or person living below the poverty line doesn't care about or need those things, right? Babies don't need that formula, right?