Christian Democrats of America officially endorses the candidates below for the 2018 midterm elections. After vetting the values, policies and ideals of the below candidates, we believe they are in alignment with our platform and the policies/values that are most important to Christian Democrats. This list is in no way complete, as we will continue adding to this list on a regular basis as the midterms approach. Look for special features on these candidates on our social media, podcast and blog and for an official Voter’s Guide on issues coming soon.
*Note: candidates chosen for endorsement by Christian Democrats of America are not based on religion, gender, race, orientation, special interests, lobbying or the DNC. They are chosen based on their legislative positions, priorities and values.

Joan Greene, Congress
Quote: “We must be the Voice for the Voiceless. We fight for the people and not an industry. We must include compassion in every decision we make because when we do, we would never have the atrocities we are having now. We must always extend our hand to those in need. Together we can turn our Community and Country back to the WE it should be instead of the me it is becoming.”

Tabitha Isner – Congress, Alabama
Tabitha Isner is the Democratic Nominee for Alabama’s Second Congressional District for the 2018 election. She is an ordained minister, pastor’s wife, a foster and adoptive mom and early childhood education researcher.
Quote: My political views are firmly tied to my faith, the idea that we are called to feed the hungry and care for the sick and liberate the captive. I believe that we do better by our children and families when we support abundant life for all rather than fearing that there isn’t enough to go around. In these United States of America, we can all enjoy abundant life, but it’s going to require courage and faithfulness to our ideals. We can restore unity and strengthen the bonds of peace, but It’s going to require humility and gentleness, patience and bearing with one another in love.
Checkout our interview with Tabitha Isner here:

Tim Kaine – Senate, Virginia
From his work as a civil rights lawyer in Richmond to his time as the Senator from Virginia, Tim has always been driven by his values. During his time in law school, Tim took a year off to volunteer as a missionary in El Progreso, Honduras. There, he taught kids welding — a skill he’d learned during those weekends and summers in his Dad’s shop. He also got a firsthand look at a system in which the few people at the top had all the power, and everyone else got left behind. This experience cemented Tim’s dedication to fighting for social justice and equality for all — a mission he would go on to share with his wife, Anne Holton.
Quote: “Let’s hear from the “least of these,” who must deal with the ramifications of the decisions made in Washington. In the end, our collaboration and openness to new ideas will produce solutions that do a better job at caring for those most in need.”

Karín Sandiford – House, Georgia, District 46
Karín Sandiford is a business and community leader, speaker, writer, techie and parent of four who is running for GA House District 46. She grew up a missionary’s daughter and has been a worship leader at her church many years. She is running “because our children, families & communities deserve leaders that focus in progress for all!” As a Christian Democrat, these are her important policy perspectives from a Christian values standpoint:
- Economic Empowerment & Justice – I support an increase of minimum wage to $15 so our families can have a chance to provide for their loved ones. I’m endorsed by the Working Families Party because of the support I vowed to give towards the cause of bringing equity to those who have less opportunities to success economically. This includes making Technical Colleges & Trade schools tuition free as well.
- Healthcare –Jesus didn’t only heal those who could give him money. Our healthcare system is structured to benefit those who can afford it. This is wrong. Here in Georgia I’m fighting to expand Medicaid so we can cover more people, bring more jobs to families through it and help our rural communities. I also believe as a nation we need look at healthcare of all program.
- Gun Reform – I have received the “Common Sense Candidate” distinction from Moms Demand Action organization for the work I’ve done to promote gun reform and my platform prioritizing this area. I am a mother of 4 children. Single parent for the last 6 years after an unfortunate divorce. As a mother, as a parent, as a Christian, it is imperative for us to look at responsible gun reform to save lives!
- Abortion – Jesus valued every life, and that includes the life of a woman. I am endorsed by Pro-Choice organizations as I believe in protecting the life of a woman and her right to make the very difficult and private decision to end a pregnancy. I support Roe vs. Wade and the limitations it already has within it as well as Planned Parenthood for all the services they provide to so many underserved communities.
- Separation of Church & State – I believe in the separation of church and state. Jesus gave his life so we can freely choose to believe in Him and be His disciple. Christianity is not a legislative matter of law, it is a matter of the heart. So governing bodies should focus on laws that protect our constitution and bill of rights, and religious organizations focus on evangelizing in spiritual matters. My personal calling is to let my witness speak louder than any law could by showing the compassion, and strength that comes from someone who’s grounded in the love of God.
- Immigration – My family immigrated here in 1982 from Peru. Decades later, my parents own their own business and my sisters and I are all professionals contributing to our country that we love, the USA. Immigration reform is needed, DACA needs to be reinstated and a path to citizenship provided to the millions of immigrants who have shown to love this country and contribute to it.
- LGBTQ Rights – as Christians it is never ok to discriminate. Never. The judgement seat is already taken, our job is to share the good news of our God’s love for all people. LGBTQ community must be protected from discrimination and hate just like any other segment of our population.

Jana Lynne Sanchez – Congressional, Texas District #6
Jana Lynne is running for Congress to protect the American Dream, championing the ideal that every American has the opportunity to achieve success and prosperity through hard work, determination and initiative. Jana supports the dream as she has lived it, growing up the proud granddaughter of Mexican migrant farm workers and the daughter of a U.S. Marine, attending public schools, graduating Rice University and launching a successful career as a journalist before starting her own international communications agency.
Quote: “As an active and engaged member of Christian Democrats, I can confidently say that I am aligned with your values. As the granddaughter of Mexican immigrants, Leviticus 19:33 – 34 are deeply personal to me: “When a foreigner resides among you in your land, do not mistreat them. The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt.”
Hear our interview with Jana on our podcast!

Josh McCall – GA House, District 9
Progressive Democratic Candidate for Georgia’s 9th Congressional District.
Quote: “In the richest nation in the history of the world, nobody should die because they are poor, and nobody should be poor because they are dying.”
Listen to our interview with Josh McCall

Kyrsten Sinema – Senate, Arizona
Kyrsten knows firsthand the challenges everyday Arizonans face. Born in Tucson, Kyrsten went through some tough times growing up. Her family struggled to make ends meet, and for a while they were even homeless. But they got by thanks to family, church, and hard work. Kyrsten’s childhood experience showed her the power of hard work and the importance of helping others.
Kyrsten believes in commonsense immigration solutions that protect DREAMers, keep families together, is passionate about healthcare and helping women and families.

Stacey Abrams – GA Governor
We are proud to endorse Stacey Abrams for Georgia’s governor – a candidate who stands with the oppressed and on true values! She is focused on bringing fulfilling great needs for healthcare and Medicaid expansion in Georgia and comes at the issues from a heart with compassion.
Quote: “We must cease being participants in our own oppression”