GOP proposes cuts to social programs including Meals on Wheels

The GOP budget plan make big cuts from Meals on Wheels for seniors, medical care and food stamps for the most destitute of Americans and food aid. Their budget seeks to cut aid to the weakest and most vulnerable in our society - while protecting the rich and corporations, and of course the defense budget.

Minnesota Looking to Expand Health Insurance Coverage

Applause to the Governor of Minnesota, Mark Dayton, for working to find solutions for his state to provide health care for everyone. He is using ideas from the original health care plan that includes exchanges, but is getting no support from the Republican caucus in the State Legislature, however. No one should have to go

Debt Collector Is Faulted for Tough Tactics in Hospitals

Terribly cruel and unjust - we're glad this story has come to light, but more than "fault" should be done here, this company should be prosecuted. This is literal "war on the poor" and it must be stopped. There is one solution for everyone - make healthcare affordable and available for everyone in America. Hospital

Billionaires keep pouring millions into ‘super PACs’

This article highlights the amounts each of the GOP candidates have brought in through the Super PACs versus how much President Obama has brought in through them...his amounts pale in comparison, which, even though we know he needs to raise funds to win, is a good thing in our eyes. The GOP is attracting major

Marine makes last stand in foreclosed home

Join us in standing in support and prayer for this marine and his family...this is the definition of social justice. By Kari Huus, Arturo de los Santos lost his home to foreclosure more than a year ago and was evicted. But because he felt he was treated unfairly, he moved back into his home

President Obama stands for Christian values at prayer breakfast

We are thankful to Rachel Maddow for clearly showing the hypocrisy of the "Christian values" message that is going out by the GOP candidates - not having anything to do with the actual words of Christ or Christian teachings. Below are the words President Obama spoke today... “I think to myself, if I’m willing to

The State of the Union 2012

The President stood strong on jobs, unfair taxes, corruption in government, and asking Congress to take action. First Lady Michelle Obama's box was full, with a school teacher, a woman who is unemployed and Warren Buffet's secretary! The President made a clear point of addressing the "Buffet rule" and that the rich should be paying

Romney wins NH while GOP activists scramble to stop him

We thought you would be interested in the house that is divided...what was it the Bible says happens to a house divided? We will see in November... Washington Post - By Peter Wallsten and Karen Tumulty, Published: January 10 A near-panic has taken hold among some core conservative activists, who are now scrambling to devise a

Obama’s Immigration Hardship Waiver

This is a brave move by the Obama Administration and we applaud it! Saving thousands of families from separation and injustice in our broken immigration system. Reporting from Washington — President Obama moved to repair relations with a crucial voting bloc and opened another battle with Republican lawmakers by easing rules on the politically volatile

Obama Defies the Uncooperative Congress

Left without options since Congressional Republicans obviously do not WANT consumer protections, President Obama uses all the power he can exercise to protect the 99%... Richard Cordray appointment 'turns lights on' at consumer bureau The agency, which has been hobbled since opening last summer because the Senate wouldn't confirm its director, can now begin to