About Christina Forrester

Christian Democrats of America founder & spokesperson, author, blogger, entrepreneur, marketing strategist, Millennial, singer/songwriter and animal lover. http://facebook.com/christinaforresterMEDIA http://facebook.com/christinaforresterMUSIC http://twitter.com/Christinaof9

Barking at “Strangers”

"Sadie Forrester" Like many, I was disgusted last week to hear of GOP Representative Steve King's comments about Latino DREAMERS: "For everyone who's a valedictorian, there's another 100 out there that weigh 130 pounds and they've got calves the size of cantaloupes because they're hauling 75 pounds of marijuana across the desert." Why some

DNC 2012 Faith Caucus: Loving our neighbor, loving the “other”

Yesterday on the faith and values panel the topic was "Greater Together" and how Democrats of faith and people of faith in general, will accomplish much more by working in cooperation. Christina Forrester (far left) said on the panel: "If the Body of Christ would work together cooperation on issues which concern us most

Taking up our mantle

I'm currently reading Jim Wallis' "The Great Awakening" and so you will more than likely see many quotes from it in the following weeks! But one thing has particularly struck me so far - "Christians [from the 1820's to 1920's] helped lead the abolitionist struggle, efforts to end child labor, projects to aid

Romney Talks to Liberty University About Values

Romney said to the evangelical audience:  "Your values will not always be the object of public admiration. In fact, the more you live by your beliefs, the more you will endure the censure of the world." I agree with him, however I'm pretty sure I disagree on what those values are - if we were