Christian Values VS. The Ryan Budget

Let's keep America educated on the truth of the Ryan Budget and the VALUES (or lack of) behind it - this should reflect heavily on any candidate that has said they support the Ryan budget, including Presidential candidate Romney. The Ryan Budget and Moral Cowardice by Lisa Sharon Harper 03-22-2012 | 10:58am - Remember Rep. Paul

Billionaires keep pouring millions into ‘super PACs’

This article highlights the amounts each of the GOP candidates have brought in through the Super PACs versus how much President Obama has brought in through them...his amounts pale in comparison, which, even though we know he needs to raise funds to win, is a good thing in our eyes. The GOP is attracting major

American Values Start with Health Care

Below is a piece from a new article in Sojourners magazine and blog about the possibility of the Affordable Care Act, i.e. "Obamacare, being struck down in the Supreme court. The healthcare law is not perfect - we were critical that it did not go far enough to help uninsured Americans and those caught in

The State of the Union 2012

The President stood strong on jobs, unfair taxes, corruption in government, and asking Congress to take action. First Lady Michelle Obama's box was full, with a school teacher, a woman who is unemployed and Warren Buffet's secretary! The President made a clear point of addressing the "Buffet rule" and that the rich should be paying

The Gospel According to Lady Gaga

This is quite possibly the most important article a Christian can read to start 2012 off. Let there be a true Christ-centered revolution in the church this year! Our goal is that at this time next year, the message of bigotry and hate will only be associated with a select group of "the church" and

Evangelical Consistency and the 2012 Elections

Newt Gringrich - "family values" - bringing down Obama....From the article: "The antidote is simple. Christians need to read their Bibles more. It makes a difference." Evangelical Consistency and the 2012 Elections One of the greatest failures of Christians in this country is when they don’t think and act as Christians first. Instead, they think first

Jobless take their grievances directly to Congress

Our prayers are with them for the success of their fight for social justice... By Tony Pugh | McClatchy Newspapers WASHINGTON — America's unemployed workers brought their message of frustration and despair directly to the U.S. Capitol on Tuesday as they filled the congressional offices of dozens of lawmakers and refused to leave until they

“Lord, when did we see you hungry?”: The 2012 Hunger Report

Quote from the article: “I’m a Christian preacher, so it’s my job to remind people that God loves you and me and everybody, including single moms who have trouble feeding their kids — and Somali moms who have trouble keeping their kids from dying of hunger.”Amen...enough said. What are our values?          

Deficit Deal Falls Apart

This is really no surprise - when you have one party in agreement talks that refuses to consider making the wealthy pay their fair share and wants to lay the burden on the lower and middle class, how can a fair agreement be made? If there is no room for compromise, there will be no