Labeling “Evangelicals”

This is a great blog from Sojourners we had to share with you. Many of our members are faced with these labels, sometimes coming from both sides (as Democrats and liberals we are questioned, "You are an evangelical?!" And within our churches we are questioned "You are a Democrat?!"). Whether you fit the true meaning

Modest Expectations Urged on Deficit Cuts

From the article: "But Republicans oppose any stimulus measures or long-term increases in tax revenues." And herein lies the problem. From NY Times: VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. — The Congressional Budget Officesharply reduced its projection of total deficits over the next decade after the recent deficit-reduction deal between President Obama and Congress, yet it warned on Wednesday that

D.C. Earthquake Shakes Things Up

Thankfully there are no reports of any injuries which is amazing! Twitter has been alive with comments like, "Looks like the debt ceiling finally crashed," and "Who is going to be the first to blame Obama for the earthquake?" Washington (CNN) -- The second most powerful earthquake in Virginia's recorded history was felt Tuesday by

Qaddafi Dictator Regime is Crumbling

Victory is being declared today as the rebel forces took control - but the fight is far from over. Please continue to pray for Libya and Democracy for the people. This has been another major foreign policy WIN for the Obama Administration. TRIPOLI, Libya — Col. Muammar el-Qaddafi remained at large Monday, and loyalist forces still held

Obama Administration’s Bold Immigration Move

We are applauding the Obama Administration's bold move yesterday towards fair, just and compassionate immigration reform! Besides the fact that this will protect so many who have called America home for many years, whose families are here, etc., but it just makes sense. The focus will be put now where it should always have been

Prescriptions: Cuts We Can Support!

Now these are some CUTS we can get behind! We are robbed when it comes to prescription drug about more time and energy on these kinds of cuts, which would benefit everyone, including the deficit, instead of the cuts that HARM the sick on Medicaid and Medicare? Medicaid Pays Less Than Medicare for Many

Warren Buffet: “Stop Coddling the Super-Rich”

You know things are out of touch in Washington when our wealthiest billionaires write editorials complaining about how low their taxes are. Listen up, congress, Obama Administration, GOP and the American voters! Democrats in congress, we ask you to FIGHT for us, fight for social justice. From NY Times: OUR leaders have asked for “shared

Breaking: Rick Perry running for president

This was not unexpected...if anything would rally our base, Christian Democrats, this should be it! With Perry in the race, we are about to hear an onslaught of Religious Right speech, a pulpit on "family values" and what Christians are supposed to support according to the far right. Our voices need to grow in number