News Flash Paul Ryan: This is Mass Unemployment, Not a Siesta

This is a wonderful blog from Elizabeth Palmer, writer for Sojourners, that we had to share with you. The moral and spiritual implications of the proposed budget cuts from Republicans would be far-reaching and unacceptable in America. Jesus took this kind of thing seriously, and we as his followers should also. Proverbs 17:“He who mocks

Cities Facing Long Wait for Jobs to Return

Some people just can't wait a decade. We need a House and Senate that will provide cooperation with the Obama Administration's ideas and plans - stop playing politics with people's lives! Join us in praying for these cities, and families without work, and supporting real solutions to job growth that don't involve giving more breaks

Dems (AND Republicans!) balk at food cuts

Attempting to cut the WIC program and overseas food programs are inexcusable and we are very glad to hear that some Republicans feel the same and are standing for what is right and ethical. We commend them for standing against the party on this one and drawing a line. Paul Broun's (left) proposed cuts resulted in a

For blacks, a health care divide

We know there is an unjust and immoral economic divide in the country when it comes to health care - this article makes a good case for an obvious racial divide as well. Health care is a human right! America will not be blessed as we could be until all people have opportunity for health,