Cities Facing Long Wait for Jobs to Return

Some people just can't wait a decade. We need a House and Senate that will provide cooperation with the Obama Administration's ideas and plans - stop playing politics with people's lives! Join us in praying for these cities, and families without work, and supporting real solutions to job growth that don't involve giving more breaks

Obama pushes jobs in trip fraught with politics

Obama is just now beginning to get the chance to show what he can really do for the country - and he will be able to do much, much more when we get a House majority again and Senate that is filibuster proof! That's what we'll be fighting for, and with the way things are

For blacks, a health care divide

We know there is an unjust and immoral economic divide in the country when it comes to health care - this article makes a good case for an obvious racial divide as well. Health care is a human right! America will not be blessed as we could be until all people have opportunity for health,

Weiner apologizes for lying, ‘terrible mistakes,’ refuses to resign

Another saddening situation during a string of unethical behavior discoveries and admissions in the last few weeks. We are glad Rep. Weiner stepped up with this admission and apology. He has fully admitted his wrong and immoral behavior without justification. Let's hope all the others who have done worse would feel convicted and do the