Alabama Governor Urges Changes to Latest Immigration Law

 Do you believe Governor Bentley is a moderate and can be trusted with not giving in to the radical-Right of immigration reform? How much more would get done in the United States if we had more moderate Republicans to work hand-in-hand with Democrats to form reasonable legislation! Something to pray for. Mickey Welsh/Montgomery Advertiser, via Associated Press

Alabama Immigration Law in Court

Anyone who knows about the Alabama law, knows it is not only unconstitutional, but un-Christian, immoral and unethical. Praying and standing with our brothers and sisters who are fighting against this in Alabama! From Politico: Alabama’s toughest-in-the-nation immigration law is having its first day in court on Wednesday, with attorneys from the Obama administration, civil

Church Leaders: Alabama Anti-Immigration Law ‘Merciless’

From the article: “Throughout our history we have been a nation of immigrants. The words of Moses to the Hebrew people should resonate in our own hearts: ‘You shall not oppress or afflict the alien among you, for you were once aliens residing in the land of Egypt.’ (Exodus 22:20) As citizens we have the right to