Obama Calls Leaders to White House for Debt Talks

From the article: "House Speaker John A. Boehner said in a statement soon after Mr. Obama’s remarks that discussions at the White House will be 'fruitless' unless the president abandons calls for any tax increases. 'The American people simply won’t stand for it,' Mr. Boehner said. 'And their elected representatives in Congress won’t vote for

In Deficit Plan, Taxes Must Rise, President Warns (You Betcha!)

Yesterday we were cheering "Thank you!" Way to go President Obama. Several of the GOP congress are working very hard for their rich contributors' agenda - we need the Dems, our President and the reasonable/moderate Republicans to be working just as hard for us. WASHINGTON — President Obama pressured Republicans on Wednesday to accept higher taxes

Hunger, Food Banks – Is There Any MORAL Limit on Cuts?

Area food banks poised to lose nearly half of commodities From the article, ""We have billions to spend in Afghanistan or Swiss bank accounts but we can't feed our own poor. Something is wrong with this society."" We couldn't have said it better. There have to be some moral limits on how far budget cuts

Robin Hood…in Reverse

The local and federal GOP are trying to push tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate greed while proposing major cuts to programs for poor people, sick people, senior citizens and education. We pray President Obama and the Democratic leadership stand firm. Also please watch this great interview today on the topic: http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/21134540/vp/43569914#43569914. From MSNBC: By

Republicans Walk Out on Budget Talks

No compromising! From the article: "I would point that the president supports a balanced approach," Carney said. "He does not support an approach that provides for a $200,000 tax cut for millionaires and billionaires paid for by a $6,000 a year hike in expenses and costs for seniors..." Enough said. Stand firm President Obama and

Cities Facing Long Wait for Jobs to Return

Some people just can't wait a decade. We need a House and Senate that will provide cooperation with the Obama Administration's ideas and plans - stop playing politics with people's lives! Join us in praying for these cities, and families without work, and supporting real solutions to job growth that don't involve giving more breaks

Dems (AND Republicans!) balk at food cuts

Attempting to cut the WIC program and overseas food programs are inexcusable and we are very glad to hear that some Republicans feel the same and are standing for what is right and ethical. We commend them for standing against the party on this one and drawing a line. Paul Broun's (left) proposed cuts resulted in a

Praise Report: Giffords released from Houston hospital

Amidst the immense amount of bad news, gossip, sexting talk, Republican debate talk, union stripping bill being upheld in court...there is a ray of light of GOOD news today and we wanted to share it with you. What an incredible miracle! U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords reached a major milestone in her recovery Wednesday when she

Obama pushes jobs in trip fraught with politics

Obama is just now beginning to get the chance to show what he can really do for the country - and he will be able to do much, much more when we get a House majority again and Senate that is filibuster proof! That's what we'll be fighting for, and with the way things are

Alabama enacts anti-illegal-immigration law described as nation’s strictest

More anti-immigrant, anti-social justice legislation...Without thought to the needs of immigrants, a solution to the real problems, compassion, or the fact that discrimination is being fully legalized. Alabama Gov. Robert Bentley speaks before signing into law what critics and supporters are calling the strictest bill in the nation cracking down on illegal immigration. (Mickey Welsh /