Gabrielle Giffords returns to Congress for debt ceiling vote

A miraculous light in the midst of the confusion and chaos! From LA Times: Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (D-Ariz.) returned to Congress in dramatic fashion for the first time since she was shot in the head in January, appearing almost unannounced in the midst of voting on one of the most contentious issues of the year. The

White House, congressional leaders reach debt deal

In regards to cuts, the article states: "In an important concession to Democrats, benefits from entitlement programs including Social Security, Medicaid, Medicare and veterans benefits will be exempt." Washington (CNN) -- Two days before the deadline for a possible U.S. government default, President Barack Obama and congressional leaders reached agreement Sunday on a legislative package

‘Circle of Protection’ makes case to President Obama

Great article and praying the President and all representatives took this meeting to heart. Also praising God that there are many Christians like us out there fighting for social justice and protection for the poor! From the article: "'Every Gang of Six, every House of Representatives, every Speaker of the House, the question should be

Obama continues debt talks with Democrats, then Republicans

We are beginning to support the idea of NO deal except to raise the debt ceiling until the 2012 elections - give us all a chance to elect more Dems into the House and Senate and regain majority (and not just any Dems, but ones who will stand with the people and defend Medicare, Medicaid,

Murdochs Say Executives Didn’t Know of Hacking

What are your thoughts on the Murdoch scandal? We are praying that all the truth may come out and be known... LONDON — In a grueling afternoon of testimony before lawmakers,Rupert Murdoch and some of the most senior figures in his family’s media empire apologized profusely on Tuesday for the phone hacking scandal that has

States crack down on pet abuse

Great news - too bad it has taken so long, but we will continue to pray and fight for rights and protection of all animals and domestic violence victims. (Excerpt from - read the full story here) States crack down on pet abuse to protect women In every state, pets are considered property under

Finger pointing follows tense debt negotiations

Maybe honest explosions are better than back-door talks and lies? Let's pray they get it all out on the table for productive arguing, not just time-wasting childish accusations. FROM MSNBC: The relentless partisan rancor over raising the U.S. debt ceiling — essential to avoiding an American default on its skyrocketing debt — grew even nastier Thursday

Obama rejects short-term debt deal, urges compromise

Any plan that includes cuts hurting the nation's poor and the middle class, but helping the nation's most wealthy is unacceptable - we pray President Obama and congressional Democrats stick to that rule/value. Washington (CNN) -- President Barack Obama ruled out any possibility of signing a short-term extension of the federal debt ceiling Monday, insisting

Russell Pearce Recall VICTORY in AZ!

Justice has been served in Arizona, in a historic grassroots campaign to remove one of the most "Radical Right" members of State Senate in the country. He is responsible and most famous for the extreme anti-immigration legislation like SB1070. The people are waking up and speaking loudly! Arizona Senate President Russell Pearce, one of the state's most

UN: Texas execution broke international law

That the UN has to step in because the U.S. is in violation of human right's laws is so shameful. The TX outlaw mentality went much too far this time - this will negatively affect our relationship with Mexico and how we are viewed around the entire world. See our statement on the Death Penalty