Christian Democrats of America is an organization committed to reforming social injustices, being a voice for those without a voice, and changing the perception of Christian values in action worldwide.
We welcome any and all to stand with us in fighting for social justice and upholding values in which this country was founded on and invite you to join with us in making a stand for values of compassion! As Christians we are called, as Jesus clearly states in the Great Commission, to act on behalf of and be a voice for the poor, in-need and vulnerable in our society. This is a calling that includes loving your neighbor, standing against injustice and exhibiting compassion in not only our individual daily lives, but on a national, social and political level as well – overall, the policies the Democratic platform supports best exemplifies these values.
We believe that as Christians and Americans we must have and show forth Godly character and love in how we talk and how we treat others. It is also for this reason that we follow the scriptural references that forbid us from judging others based on their political beliefs or any belief that does not line up with our own and hold anyone claiming the Christian faith accountable to have the same Biblically mandated respect for Christian Progressives. God is not a Republican or a Democrat.