Modest Expectations Urged on Deficit Cuts

From the article: "But Republicans oppose any stimulus measures or long-term increases in tax revenues." And herein lies the problem. From NY Times: VINEYARD HAVEN, Mass. — The Congressional Budget Officesharply reduced its projection of total deficits over the next decade after the recent deficit-reduction deal between President Obama and Congress, yet it warned on Wednesday that

Minnesota government shuts down as budget talks stall

"The governor, a member of the Minnesota Democratic-Farmer-Labor party wants to raise taxes on the wealthiest 1.9% of Minnesotans, as well as cut spending." The picture below says it all - Minnesota, you are in our prayers. From (CNN) -- The Minnesota government was forced to shut down Friday for the second time in six

In Deficit Plan, Taxes Must Rise, President Warns (You Betcha!)

Yesterday we were cheering "Thank you!" Way to go President Obama. Several of the GOP congress are working very hard for their rich contributors' agenda - we need the Dems, our President and the reasonable/moderate Republicans to be working just as hard for us. WASHINGTON — President Obama pressured Republicans on Wednesday to accept higher taxes

Robin Hood…in Reverse

The local and federal GOP are trying to push tax cuts for the wealthy and corporate greed while proposing major cuts to programs for poor people, sick people, senior citizens and education. We pray President Obama and the Democratic leadership stand firm. Also please watch this great interview today on the topic: From MSNBC: By

Dems (AND Republicans!) balk at food cuts

Attempting to cut the WIC program and overseas food programs are inexcusable and we are very glad to hear that some Republicans feel the same and are standing for what is right and ethical. We commend them for standing against the party on this one and drawing a line. Paul Broun's (left) proposed cuts resulted in a

‘Lock ’em up’ not always best solution

Finally some are waking up to the very obvious fact that our system is not creating rehabilitation-scenarios for non-violent offenders, but is instead creating hard criminals out of them! "No Mercy" stances not only aren't right, but don't work. We couldn't cheer enough for this, from the article, "A famously tough-on-crime state, Texas is proving